GOOD REVIEW of Claris Emailer (December '95, page 68). As a regular user of Eudora, I too prefer it overall. But considering that AOL's mail-client software is so consistently awful, Emailer addresses all of my AOL e-mail needs. Now I can send and receive e-mail without having to wait for those horrible little icons to load, I have a file system that's far better than AOL's lack of a system, and I have an address book that is easy to add to and access. I would have left AOL in frustration if it weren't for Emailer.
Mark Hodges
via the Internet
YOU DIDN'T CALL enough attention to one of the weakest points of Claris' program. The ability to use fonts, styles, and colors is a fundamental part of the Mac. AOL and eWorld have provided their users with the ability to use styled text in their e-mail. But Claris would have us communicate in the monospaced 80-column, 66-line world of the '60s. Your three-mouse rating is a bit generous.
Jeff Dickson
YOUR REVIEW of Emailer wrongly became a head-to-head comparison with Eudora. Emailer was designed to handle multiple mailboxes on multiple online services.
It may not be pretty, but Emailer automatically centralizes your e-mail and makes life easier. It deserves four mice simply for being the only product to solve the problem of multiple e-mail accounts.
Rick Brinkman
/ Emailer's Internet capabilities certainly make comparing it to Eudora fair game. And Emailer's innovative in-box-unification features are the main reason it earned a three-mouse rating. /JS